

「第13回 味と匂のシンポジウム 発表論文集」(1979)

  • 会期:1979年10月26日(金)〜27日(土)
  • 会場:岐阜会館
  • 当番世話人:船越 正也(岐阜歯科大学口腔生理学教室)
  • 懇親会:岐阜会館3階 鳳凰の間


  • 招待講演(4題)
    1. Sweet Taste and Taste of Sweeters.
      G. Hellekant(Department of Veterinary Science, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A.)
    2. The Anatomical Basis for Salivatory Responses to Gustatory Stimuli.
      R. Norgren(The Rockefeller University, U.S.A.)
    3. The Taste of Amino Acids in The Rat.
      T. R. Scott(Department of Psychology and Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior, University of Delaware, U.S.A.)
    4. The Olfactory Glomerulus: Its Significance for Sensory Processing.
      G. M. Shepherd(Yale University, Medical School, U.S.A.)
  • 講演(15分・討論5分)|味関係24題、匂関係13題。計41題