- 会期:1979年10月26日(金)〜27日(土)
- 会場:岐阜会館
- 当番世話人:船越 正也(岐阜歯科大学口腔生理学教室)
- 懇親会:岐阜会館3階 鳳凰の間
- 招待講演(4題)
- Sweet Taste and Taste of Sweeters.
G. Hellekant(Department of Veterinary Science, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A.) - The Anatomical Basis for Salivatory Responses to Gustatory Stimuli.
R. Norgren(The Rockefeller University, U.S.A.) - The Taste of Amino Acids in The Rat.
T. R. Scott(Department of Psychology and Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior, University of Delaware, U.S.A.) - The Olfactory Glomerulus: Its Significance for Sensory Processing.
G. M. Shepherd(Yale University, Medical School, U.S.A.)
- Sweet Taste and Taste of Sweeters.
- 講演(15分・討論5分)|味関係24題、匂関係13題。計41題