新着情報:JASTSイベントThe Second Digital Olfaction Society World Congress 2014投稿のお誘い


国内問い合わせ先:中本高道 (nakamoto@nt.pi.titech.ac.jp)

The aim of the Second Digital Olfaction Society World Congress 2014 is to discuss the advances of digital olfaction Research & Development, the practical applications of digital olfaction, the impact of these applications on our life and lifestyle. DOS World Congress 2014 will also highlight the interdisciplinary sciences related to Olfaction and Digital olfaction, the way in which we can transfer the concrete breakthroughs of Research & Development towards industrial applications concerned by digital olfaction and how to design and extend the applications of digital smell technologies to everyday life.

Topics at the Digital Olfaction Society Congress 2014

Physiology of Olfaction: Recent Advances & Perspectives
Olfaction & Future of Medicine
The Powerful of olfactive Markers
Digital Olfaction & Health Medicine: Practical Applications
Olfactory Display
Biosensing Technology
Olfactory Art
Evaluation of Olfactory Impression
Sensing Technology
Sensor Data Analysis
Practical Applications of Digital Olfaction
Others …

Deadline for Oral Presentations Submission: September 6th