新着情報:お知らせDr. Kunio Yamazaki memorial ceremonyについて


先にも学会事務局よりご案内を差し上げました通り、故山崎邦郎先生の追悼記念式典(Dr. Kunio Yamazaki memorial ceremony)が下記の通り開催されますので、再度ご案内申し上げます。

場所:Monell Chemical Senses Center
連絡先:Jodie Carr (carr@monell.org)

なお、ご参考までに以下にMonell Chemical Senses Center所長のDr.Gary Beauchampからの私宛の手紙を添付致します。


Dear Michio,

I want to thank you again for your email about Kunio Yamazaki following
his sudden death. Many people expressed great sympathy and his widow,
daughter and friends here greatly appreciated this outpouring of sadness
and respect.

Monell will be having a celebration of his life at the Center on the late
afternoon and evening of October 10, 2013 (right after the conclusion of
our fall Sponsor meeting – could you attend this?). The exact schedule is
not yet set but our general plans include several short talks about Kunio
from his friends and colleagues followed by a reception which will include
beer, wine, food and a chance for all of us to informally talk about
Kunio. If you can come (which I certainly hope) I would like to invite you
to give one of these short talks since you knew him well. But I know you
are now very busy so if it is not possible for you to join us in person,
we could consider a video or could read your message to attendees. But I
really hope you can come. Could you also announce the date to the JAST
office and Dr. Miamoto? We would welcome any JAST members who can attend.

Kunio was a great friend and colleague to so many of us. I hope you will
be able to join us to remember him. Please let me know if you can come and
whether we can help with any of the travel and hotel arrangements. I look
forward to hearing from you.
