




ISOT2016プログラム委員長 東原和成

Call for Symposium Proposals

The Program Committee for ISOT 2016 (17th International Symposium for Olfaction and Taste) invites proposals for symposia on topics of special interest in the chemical senses. We expect the ISOT symposia to be a major forum for oral presentations communicating the latest developments in areas of significance to the broader chemical senses community. Up to 18 symposia will be selected for inclusion in the meeting program, depending on the merit and relevance of the submitted proposals.

Symposia will follow a standard format. A symposium is 2.5 hours long. Three symposia will run in parallel. Each will begin with a short Introduction given by the symposium Chair. Symposia will include 4 invited speakers, each giving talks of 25 minutes (plus 5 minutes for questions). We recommend that the participation of these invited speakers is confirmed prior to the submission of the proposal to avoid speaker overlap in multiple proposals.
Additionally, 2 short talks of 15 minutes (including question time) on the symposium topic will be selected by the Program Committee from submitted general abstracts. Alternatively, because the meeting is still 1.5 years away, this 30-min slot may be reserved for an emerging scientist as long as the theme of the symposium is strengthened. This ‘late-breaking’ speaker can be proposed by symposium organizers up to the time for short talk selection (approximately 4 months before the meeting).

Symposium proposals must include the following information in order to be considered:

  1. Symposium Title
  2. Names and affiliations of the 2 symposium organizers
  3. A 2-3 paragraph synopsis of the symposium theme/idea
  4. Names, affiliations and tentative talk titles for 4 speakers
  5. Suggestions for external sponsors. Please indicate if potential sponsors have been contacted.

In evaluating proposals, the Program Committee will favor those that concern newly-emerging areas or questions of high recent interest and that include cross-disciplinary approaches and/or multiple animal model systems with an international mix of high-level speakers. Proposals not only on basic chemosensory research but also on other related topics such as chemesthesis, clinical studies, ethology, biosensor, etc. in a variety of organisms from invertebrate models to human will be considered. Symposia should not serve as an opportunity to showcase the work of the symposia organizers and their students. The Program Committee may suggest combining proposals if the same attractive themes are proposed. To attract excellent investigators from all over the world, funds are available to support the meeting registration and banquet fees for all invited 30 min-speakers and symposium organizers except members of the JASTS, the host association. Chemical Senses offers an opportunity for symposium organizers to submit a symposium-based mini-review. A guideline is available upon acceptance of symposium.

The deadline for submission of symposium proposals is May 1, 2015.

Please address any questions to Dr. Kazushige Touhara, Program Chair, ISOT2016.
