昨年に続き本年もPurdue University教授のDr. Richard D. Mattesから、Rose Marie Pangborn Sensory Science Scholarship Fundによる研究奨励賞公募について、お知らせを頂きました。詳細は、下記のURLをご参照ください。
会長 宮本武典
Announcement of 2014-2015
One $15,000 Sensory Science Scholarship will be awarded for the 2014-2015
academic year to support a Ph.D. student who intends to teach and conduct
research in the area of sensory science at the University level. This
scholarship is awarded in honor of the memory of Professor Rose Marie
Pangborn, who initiated the scholarship fund to encourage the education of
Sensory Scientists intending to pursue academic careers.
Applicants for the scholarship must be enrolled in a Ph. D. Program such
as Food Science, Nutrition, Psychology or Physiology. The planned or
on-going dissertation research must be on a sensory topic under the
guidance of a sensory scientist. Candidates will be evaluated on the
basis of their academic record, intended research in human sensory
science, commitment to a career in teaching in the field of sensory
science, and support determined by letters of recommendation. The Board
of Directors of the Sensory Science Scholarship Fund (SSSF) will determine
policies governing the award and will select recipients.
Applications, including all required documentation must be postmarked no
later than May, 16, 2014. For additional information and application
forms contact Dr. Rick Mattes, Purdue University, Department of Nutrition
Science, 700 W. State St., W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2059, USA Phone –
765-494-0662 FAX – 765-494-0674 email – mattes@purdue.edu Application
forms are also downloadable at:
Past recipients include: Cordelia Running, Nuala Bobowski, Erin Green,
Melinda Murray, Michael Nestrud, Karen Ann Lusk (Hein), Gaston Ares,
Martha Bajec, John Hayes, Derek Snyder, Cheryl Armstrong, Zuzana Drobna,
Terri Rosett, Nicolette van der Klaauw, Sophie Bonnans, Jeannine Delwiche,
Liz Gwartney, Thomas Heinbockel, Andrew Smith, Barbara Guggenb・hl, Elba
Cubero-Castillo, Randy Lee, and Lotika Bhatia Savant.