新着情報:公募・求人US-Japan STEM programming:Invest in the TOMODACHI Generation of young American and Japanese leaders 75000ドル公募.11月5日締切


キリン株式会社 R&D本部 飲料技術研究所の横向慶子会員から、下記のようなお知らせを頂きました。奮ってご応募ください。




キリンに1995年1年間インターンとして学部生の時にカナダから留学していたRieko Yajimaさん(現在AAAS勤務:サイエンスの出版社)から、下記のようなメールの案内がモネル研所長のビーチャムさんと横向慶子宛てにありました。



Dear Gary and Yoshiko,

Wanted to pass along the following funding announcement – might be of interest to Monell?
$75K to run a program that provides short-term researchexperiences for Japanese undergraduate students (see RFP attached). Given Japan’s active interest in taste science, could be an interesting fit.
Hope you are both keeping well,

Rieko Yajima, Ph.D.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Associate Program Director Research Competitiveness Program
1200 New York Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20005

TOMODACHI Initiative Request for Grant Proposals STEM Educational Exchange Program

The TOMODACHI Intiative announces an open competition for grant proposals for a 2-3 week educational exchange program for Japanese undergraduate students in STEM fields. The program will take 10-15 Japanese participants to a U.S. university campus for a STEM experience, at a cost of no more than a total of $75,000. Local and international non-governmental
organizations and educational institutions may submit proposals to design, implement, and administer the program. The deadline for proposals is November 5, 2014.

Program Objectives

  • Creating a professional network among rising STEM leaders in Japan and the United States
  • Motivating young American and Japanese leaders engaged in STEM to contribute to furthering U.S.-Japan relations
  • Raising awareness of important STEM policies and issues relevant to the United States and Japan among next generation leaders in both countries
  • Fostering increased interest/participation of Japanese women in STEM fields

Program Structure

  • U.S. educational exchange for Japanese undergraduate students
  • Program length: 2-3 weeks
  • Program timeframe: Must take place during Japanese university holiday: late February-March 30 or late July-late August
  • Program size: 10-15 students (priority given to female students)
  • Program content should include the following:
    o Classroom sessions
    o Hands-on science activities
    o A focus on using science in communities (possibly via service/civic component)
    o Engagement with American students
    o Cultural activities

Proposal Assessment Criteria

  • Alignment with TOMODACHI mission & vision
  • Connect the United States & Japan
  • Offer life-transforming opportunities
  • Invest in the TOMODACHI Generation of young American and Japanese leaders
  • Address a need or tackle a challenge in an underserved area (geographic, demographic, social, sector, etc.)

TOMODACHI Mission & Vision
The TOMODACHI Initiative is a public-private partnership, born out of support for Japan’s recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, that invests in the next generation of Japanese and American leaders through educational and cultural exchanges as well as leadership programs. We seek to foster a “TOMODACHI generation” of young American and Japanese leaders
who are committed to and engaged in strengthening U.S.-Japan relations, appreciate each other’s countries and cultures, and possess the global skills and mindsets needed to contribute to and thrive in a more cooperative, prosperous, and secure world.

Proposal Requirements

Grant Proposal Deadline
Please submit grant proposals by November 5, 2014 to

Proposal Contents
Please submit the following as part of your grant proposal:

1. TOMODACHI Initiative Proposal Form (attached)
2. Itemized Budget (attached)
3. Proof of organization’s legal status

Program Budget/Administration
Grantee organizations are expected to keep administration costs to a minimum. Priority will be given to quality proposals the maintain an overhead of 15% or below. Grantee organizations are also encouraged to consider cost-sharing. Budget should also include an estimate for travel insurance for the program participants.

Supplementary Documentation
If awarded, TOMODACHI will need to collect the following supplementary documents electronically in order to process the funds transfer:

  • Signed Implementer Agreement between recipient organization and TOMODACHI;
  • Copy of recipient’s latest audited financial statement;
  • Current list of recipient organization’s Board of Directors and Advisors;
  • Bank account information for wire transfer of funds.