新着情報:公募・求人ポスドク募集(Monell Chemical Senses Center)

Post Doctoral Position: Immunology, Metabolism, and Chemical Communication

Monell Chemical Senses Center

The Monell Chemical Senses Center is a nonprofit, basic research institute dedicated primarily to research in smell and taste.

The Center is located on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) in Philadelphia and has close ties to UPenn as well as other Universities in Philadelphia.

Center research focuses on understanding how the chemical senses function and their importance in regulating behavior and physiology.

The current position involves working with a multidisciplinary group studying odor communication, the chemistry of biological odors and the role of inflammation in producing these odors. We are seeking candidates who ideally have experience working on inflammatory pathways in mammals. Strong self motivation, an interest in obtaining new skills in metabolomics, and a desire to work in a multidisciplinary environment are highly valued.
Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in inflammation and metabolic disorders.

A background in chemosensory research is not required.

Requirements include a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in immunology or a related field.

Stipend is in accordance with NIH standards.

Send C.V., cover letter explaining your experience, research interests and career goals, and the names and means to contact three references to Gary K. Beauchamp or Bruce Kimball, Monell Chemical Senses Center, 3500 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 or email
beauchamp@monell.org or bkimball@monell.org.