新着情報:公募・求人Monell Chemical Senses Center主任研究員募集のご案内

Monell Chemical Senses Center(米国フィラデルフィア市)では、独立ラボを主宰する主任研究員を募集しています。特に、分析化学手法に精通している研究者を求めています。現時点で嗅覚、味覚などの化学感覚研究を行っているか否かは問いませんが、今後独自で、あるいは共同研究として化学感覚研究に貢献することが望まれます。

応募するfacultyのランクは問いません(当研究所ではMember, Associate Member, Assistant Memberという名称を用い、これらは大学におけるProfessor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professorと同等です)。ただし、junior faculty(つまりAssistant Member)以外のランクへの応募者は、既に獲得した研究費で自分の研究課題を進行中であることが期待されています。

応募に関する詳細は下記の公募案内をご覧下さい。また、不明な点などございましたら、Monell Centerの松本にお問い合わせ下さい。日本語でも対応いたします。ただし、内容によっては回答できない場合があることを予めご了承下さい。


The Monell Chemical Senses Center (www.monell.org) is currently seeking a chemical biologist/ecologist. Monell is the world’s premier institution devoted to research on the mechanisms and functions of taste, smell, and chemesthesis and their impact on health.

We invite applications for a regular faculty position at all academic levels. The scientist will be expected to launch a laboratory that contributes toward one or more of the Monell strategic research aims (https://monell.org/research/). We desire candidates who combine a fundamental understanding of physiology, immunology, metabolism, or behavior with demonstrated expertise in all facets of quantitative analytical chemistry. We encourage experience at the organismal (e.g. chemical ecology) and/or cellular/molecular (e.g. chemical biology) levels of organization that yield insight into the chemical senses and their roles in chemical communication, nutrition, metabolism, or health.

As principal investigator, the chemical biologist/ecologist will seek external funding and will receive additional support for leading the George Preti Research Support Core for Analytical Chemistry. Approximately 15% effort will be required to direct and expand core capabilities in quantitative analysis.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent professional degree and postdoctoral experience. Senior-level applicants should have an established and funded research program with potential for growth and collaboration. Junior candidates should have the potential to develop and fund an independent research program.

We are committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive culture and offer competitive startup packages, an outstanding environment for scientific innovation and collaboration, and mentorship to new faculty and applicants with underrepresented backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.

Applicants should submit the following materials in electronic form to: http://apply.interfolio.com/132930

  • Diversity statement (~one page)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Three representative publications
  • Statement of research interests, including ideas of where research links could be made with current faculty (~two pages)
  • Contact information for three people willing to provide reference letters